External Communication

Always direct requests for assistance to the Legal Department (juridico@moss.earth) communication with investors. This Department is prepared to communicate correctly and transparently, allowing investors to follow the activities and performance of Moss.

If you are contacted by the press, please direct to mkt@moss.earth who will deal with requests on a case-by-case basis. Do not give information and/or interviews without the prior authorization from Moss, to avoid inappropriate communications that may bring harm to Moss' name and image.

If you post about Moss on social media, please ensure that the posting is consistent with your work and Moss' ethical values ​​and that it only deals with information that may be disclosed.

The use of images, logos, seals and/or any information or materials, by Suppliers, and that are owned by Moss, are mandatorily linked to the prior and express authorization of Moss, and may, if and when authorized, be used only for purposes institutions and for the dissemination of the respective signed instrument.

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